![]() ![]() ![]() On the previous page we showed a simple example of a Runner program. % In that example O9999 is the program name and we also setup EasyDNC to recognize that as the Reqst Tag. 1234 is the program requested by the CNC. In the above case we would always use program 9999 as the runner. But, instead of the program name, you can use any text within the runner. For example if you setup the word SEND as the Remo Reqst Tag then the following syntax is allowed:- % In the above example the actual program name and any comments are ignored by Remo. It's simply looking for the word SEND and then takes the text after that word as the file being requested. If your CNC is something like an Okuma then your filenames will probably be full alphnumeric. (See the Alphanumeric setting in Remo setup) In your Okuma your runner could look like this:- $SOME_FILE_NAME.MIN% In the preceding example Remo is only seeing a requested filename and the file must exist in the CNC's default folder. The CNC's default folder is selected in Remo setup 'transmit options'. But it is also possible to be quite specific within the Runner telling Remo exactly where to go to find the file. For example a specific drive and folder rather than the default folder. See this runner example:- % Giving a drive letter and folder this tells Remo to go to that specific drive and folder for that file. The drive can be a local drive or remote network server mapped as a logical drive letter. In this case Remo's default folder and file extension are ignored. The following is also possible:- % That is similar to the previous example but no drive letter is given. The path does not begin with a drive letter so Remo assumes that this is a sub folder within the CNC's default folder. (Think default folder for all programs but within the default folder there are sub folders for specific programs?) Note the use of the backslash in the above examples. Some types of CNC do not have backslash character. You can therefore use either back \ or forward / slash:- C:/SOME_FOLDER/1234.TXT That's not standard MS Windows syntax but Remo accepts it.