We are currently using an older version of EasyDNC, we would like to use Serial to WIFI converters to transfer the data to our machines, and possibly upgrade to the newest version of EasyDNC if need be.
By: Ben Parker
Posted on: May 11 2015 at 09:38:42 PM
I forgot to include the questions--1. is it possible to do such thing? Transfer files to our machines via Wifi? If so, what equipment do we need and which version do we need?
By: Guest
Posted on: May 12 2015 at 07:12:15 AM
Most wifi serial devices are supplied with device drivers that make the remote serial port appear to windows as if it is a local com port. Therefore any program should work with such ports because the program is basically unaware that the serial port is some distance away.
Using the above method it doesn't make any difference whether you use the older or newer versions of easydnc.
By: Ben Parker
Posted on: May 12 2015 at 06:00:55 PM
Excellent thank you!
By: AndreWF1
Posted on: May 13 2015 at 01:59:48 PM
Although the new Remo dnc can communicate direct with the wifi device using the device's network IP address instead of the windows virtual com port.
We've found that to be more reliable.
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