We are testing EasyDNC and are about to purchase for a full license. We are currently testing and sending files from PC to CNC and back, all going good. Question, is there a way to rename a sent file from PC/Network folder to .BAK or create a .BAK file of the original file? This is to prevent the original file from being over written.
Any ideas?
By: Matt
Posted on: Mar 27 2023 at 04:36:13 AM
In the EasyDNC setup there's two tabs. One labelled "Receive" and the other "Transmit"
I'm not looking at the software right now so can't remember the exact wording of those tabs but go into setup and you'll see what I mean.
In each of those tabs you can set a different folder. On the computer have two separate folders. Everything coming from the machine goes into one folder and everything going to the machines comes out of a different folder.
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