Does anyone know if EasyDNC running on Win7 can be configured to work with Mulitcam CNC routers (circa 1995-99)? Serial interface, Extratech controllers.
By: Guest
Posted on: Oct 16 2015 at 09:28:39 PM
Multicam seem to have their own file storage/transfer devices so i wouldn't know if a generic dnc program would work.
Quick way to test it would be to set the DNC up to the same baud rate. Put the DNC into Receive mode and go to the cnc and see if you can send something out.
Might not be the direction you want but sending from CNC to PC is easier to diagnose.
By: Guest
Posted on: Mar 28 2016 at 08:10:37 AM
Have the same question. If anyone find a solution I would be happy to hear about it.
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