I am an automotive instructor who received a Hurco BMC-30 as a donation from a local company. I am having difficulty finding a manual with settings to set up the Easy DNC. Has any one used the Easy DNC with a model year 1987 Hurco BMC-30 with Ultimax controller? Thank you for your time and patience.
By: Guest
Posted on: Sep 16 2016 at 04:34:11 PM
Hurco Ultimax.
Press the "Auxiliary" button then "Download/Upload" then "Serial Port Setup".
Port 1
FlowControl XonXoff
Baud 4800
word 7bit
StopBits 2
Parity Even.
Use the G-Code/Text editor rather than the Conversational.
In easyDnc set Mode=None, Baud/Speed=4800, 7bits, Even Parity, 2 Stop Bits.
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