whenever i send a file to the cnc, i get an alarm. we have tried various nc codes and all arrive at the same result, what can be the possible cause.
By: Support
Posted on: Feb 26 2019 at 01:38:56 AM
What alarm is it?
If it's alarm 087 then you need to do one or more of the following
1. Enable Flow Control (In the DNC software. XOn/Xoff)
2. If #1 doesn't work then in the DNC setup increase the 'Block Delay' (Bigger number)
3. Of #2 doesn't work - switch CNC and DNC to a lower baud rate.
Flow control should be enabled anyway but if you do switch to a lower baud rate you can possibly decrease the block delay (smaller number)
If it's not 087 What is it?
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