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Topic:   EasyDNC Recieve and Port Scan will only open Editor Window

By: GuestPosted on: Nov 10 2015 at 03:50:12 PM
I installed EasyDNC 4.7 on a Windows XP machine (downloaded from easyDNC.com)
I configured my CNC machine but when I right-click on the machine and choose "Receive" from the pop up window the "Editor" window opens up instead of the "Receive From CNC" window. Same for the "Port Scan", it just opens up a window titled "Editor".
I tried reinstalling EasyDNC but no change.
Any Suggestions?

By: GuestPosted on: Nov 11 2015 at 12:11:51 AM
Thats correct. In 4.7 the data is received from the cnc into the editor window.

Click receive from cnc. The editor window opens. Go to the cnc and "punch" or output your file.

But you can also use the newer RemoDNC. Works fine in XP.

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