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Topic:   EasyDNC on WIn 2012 RDS

By: CraigPosted on: Jul 9 2014 at 05:00:11 PM
Good morning all
First off, Awesome program!! My guys on the floor love the simplicity, and the fact that it Just Works!. :)

I do have a question though. I'm planning a big move, into Windows 2012 RDS (Terminal Server) This will allow me to hook in tablets right at the machines, and still have the operators function with their daily tasks. Is EasyDNC Terminal Server aware??? Would it ask for a separate key, for each user session?
Are there known issues with running multiple instances from server?
Or should I be looking into the remote setup.
Thanx for the great software, and as well, any help you guys may have.


By: SupportPosted on: Jul 9 2014 at 06:25:13 PM
Assuming you're talking about RemoDNC v5

Yes. It does detect when it's running in a RemoteDesktop (RDP) or other citrix-like environment. But, to be honest, we haven't decided what to do about it so functionality is not restricted in any way. Yet.

If the software is installed on the server and a remote user connects using RDP then he should see the dnc software icons on his desktop and I'd expect his session to run without prompting for an activation code. But if you run multiple virtual PCs where each user has his own virtual harddrive then each virtual PC would require separate installation of the DNC software with separate activation code.

I said 'Yet' because when we get to v6 users of Windows Terminal Server may be required to purchase a (reasonably priced) server or site license based on number of permitted user sessions.

By: CraigPosted on: Jul 9 2014 at 09:07:56 PM
Excellent. :)
I'll Snapshot my RDS VM Server, and give it a go. Offhand, would I be able to trade inup, the 4 License's I have now(VER 5) for V6? Or is that too early to tell yet?


By: SuppprtPosted on: Jul 9 2014 at 09:30:38 PM
Craig, with regard to the 'trade in',. Yes. Existing users always get upgrades at a fraction of the price.

By: CraigPosted on: Jul 10 2014 at 12:09:09 AM
Fantastic. That always makes the bean counters happy. lol

Not sure if I should post this in the same thread, but I did get it installed on my Win 2012 RDS Server. License worked as you said.:)
But I noticed that when I add or remove a machine, it reflects on the other session. Is there a way to separate the two?


By: SupportPosted on: Jul 10 2014 at 08:05:13 PM
The software usually installs in the folder
C:\program files\remodnc (or easydnc depending on version)
In that folder is a file called dncsettings.ini or something like that. That file comtains all the machine profiles and because all users are sharing the same program they're all sharing the same settings.

Create a separate folder for each user and copy all the files from the default folder into the user's private folder then point the user's desktop icon to the exe in the user's private folder.

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