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Topic:   Can't open free 30 day trial

By: GuestPosted on: Jan 18 2020 at 11:38:42 AM
Downloaded free trial, but now can't access it without code. Had to wait for USB/RS232 cable and got it with the driver installed. Not sure what's going on. Will this happen if I decide to purchase the software?

By: SupportPosted on: Jan 19 2020 at 06:22:54 AM
Trial should be 60 days not 30.

Email us and we can send a code to to reactivate the trial.

By: SupportPosted on: Jan 20 2020 at 03:37:15 AM
Thank you for your email - I think you may have been using the Apple/Mac version of EasyDNC. That is, as you said, 30 day trial. Sorry. In my first post above I just assumed you were using Windows.

No matter - I sent an email to your Verizon email address containing a new 30 day trial key. Please also check your spam filter - verzion can be a little over-zealous with their spam filters.

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